الخميس، 12 أبريل 2018

The Bird of Happiness and Other Tales

The Bird of Happiness and Other Wise Tales

 The Bird of Happiness and Other Tales by Tim Herden

The Bird of Happiness and Other Tales by Tim Herden, is a short book that contains a collection of meaningful stories from several countries; Russia, India, Egypt, America and China....

The first story was the Bird of Happiness, it was about Igor, the young child who became ill for no particular reason. As the birds moved in winter from Russia to warmer countries, Igor missed their singing, so he asked his father to bring a bird home for him. With the help of his wife, the woodcutter  made a wooden bird for his son, it looked almost real. After seven days, Igor's parents started to notice the signs of recovery in their child, then they called that wooden bird "the Bird of Happiness".

The second story was from America about an expert baker,  who asked a poor man to pay him for the smell of his fresh bread, but the smart judge shook the coins in his hand and told him that it must be a fair payment for your greed. 

The next tale was about a wise man who taught his son-in-law  how to be a real Alchemist and turn dirt into gold with  patience and  hard work.

"Good luck or bad luck, who knows" was the everyday quote of a Chinese man for any troubles he had happen to him. In this short story we learn how to be thankful and grateful for the Almighty and appreciate every single grace in our lives.

The most enjoyable tale in this book was about Mario, the American young man and his unlimited faith in God's generosity.

"....If God wants to give, he will give. And that when he gives, he'll push it in through the window"

This short book passes a positive message and it provides a real entertainment especially for children.

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