الجمعة، 14 سبتمبر 2018

All I want by Margaret Johnson

《 All I want 》

All I want by Margaret Johnson

Alex is 30 years old, she works as a temporary assistant in an art gallery, she had crush on her boss Brad, even though she has a loyal boyfriend. She planned to marry Brad or rather she dreamed to be his future wife instead of his pretty girlfriend, Tania.

Brad got into some troubles with police and journalists because he sold some fake paintings by mistake. They went countryside to run from all those terrible stuff and get some relaxing moments but Alex's dominant thought was impressing her crush and got his attention.

Unfortunately, none of her dreams came true but instead she found out his real personality; he has bad features that she couldn't notice until she got closer to him. 

Alex's personality is akin to an adolescent one, I think she is not mature enough to take serious decisions, on the other side, she is innocent and has such a sweet spirit  but she could make me smile overall.  I loved her vitality and her dreamy romantic mood . All she wanted was a happy life among real people who love her the way she is and accept all her faults and appreciate her good traits.

This book is pretty easy to read, it offers an enduring amusement till the last page of it, I can't say it is a great book and everyone ought to read and but I prefer to say if you want to rejoice pick up this book and enjoy your journey :)

Goodreads :)

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