الاثنين، 25 يونيو 2018

تحميل شجرتي شجرة البرتقال الرائعة

شجرتي شجرة البرتقال الرائعة للكاتب خوسيه ماورو دي فاسكونسيلوس

شجرتي شجرة البرتقال الرائعة

تحميل كتاب شجرتي شجرة البرتقال الرائعة 

ملاحظة: سيتم ادراج مراجعة للكتاب حال الانتهاء من قراءته، قراءة ممتعة :)

السبت، 23 يونيو 2018

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

♡ We Should All Be Feminists ♡

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi

    I fell in love with this book from the first sight, I was impressed with its title "We Should All Be Feminist" and I was aspired  to grasp the right meaning of the word "Feminism", to be honest I had a humble idea while reading this book which was  I can easily write a similar book, but of course in arabic Lol!.. because it is not profound or bringing something new except ordinary facts might happened to the majority of the women around the world.

Chimamanda is an African  writer, she poured out her heart among those real words, she conveyed her honest experience about the gender issue. According to the writer, the word feminist is heavy with unexpected baggages such as: unhappy, dirty, a man hater, ugly, unsophisticated.....
Racism against  female is a product of  society, it ought to admit about the existence of the gender problem then start thinking of finding solutions and in order to overcome those old fashion sterotypes and unfair dogmas of the society we have to start raising our children correctly.

The book is beautifully written, simple, easy read and perfectly real, I felt like I was reading about my own society without exaggerating and drama. I liked her intelligence combined with her sense of responsibility to spread the awareness to save Nigerian women from the injustice and she aimed to build up a fairer world for both men and women.

I have to point out that the real archenemy for the woman is the woman herself; the mother who raises her daughter to be just a chores maker and forces her to serve her brothers like preparing food instead of teaching them those useful skills because cooking is not related with any specific gender ; the woman who lets her husband humiliate her just because he is a man ; the silly young girl whom her biggest aspires is "hunting" a man and who makes herself  be an "easy prey" and who dresses up to catch the men' s eyes only.......

As women we contribute indirectly to increase the anti feminism or the inequality against women, so we have the choice to be  feminists .

"We spend too much time teaching girls to worry about what boys think of them. But the reverse is not the case. We don’t teach boys to care about being likable. We spend too much time telling girls that they cannot be angry or aggressive or tough, which is bad enough, but then we turn around and either praise or excuse men for the same reasons. All over the world, there are so many magazine articles and books telling women what to do, how to be and not to be, in order to attract or please men. There are far fewer guides for men about pleasing women."

“Culture does not make people. People make culture. If it is true that the full humanity of women is not our culture, then we can and must make it our culture.” 

“I am angry. We should all be angry. Anger has a long history of bringing about positive change.” 

“And then we do a much greater disservice to girls, because we raise them to cater to the fragile egos of males. We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls: You can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man. If you are the breadwinner in your relationship with a man, pretend that you are not, especially in public, otherwise you will emasculate him.” 

“If we do something over and over, it becomes normal. If we see the same thing over and over, it becomes normal.” 

“A Nigerian acquaintance once asked me if I was worried that men would be intimidated by me. I was not worried at all—it had not even occurred to me to be worried, because a man who will be intimidated by me is exactly the kind of man I would have no interest in.” 

“Gender matters everywhere in the world. And I would like today to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world. A fairer world. A world of happier men and happier women who are truer to themselves. And this is how to start: We must raise our daughters differently. We must also raise our sons differently.” 

الخميس، 21 يونيو 2018

Anne Frank: Diary Of A Young Girl

#Diary Of A Young Girl

Diary of a young girl, Anne Frank

This book was on my Ramadan's reading schedule, I finished reading it exactly in the last day of this blessed month and that took me one week , it was a long trip for me as a fast reader. I don't know if it really worth this long period of time, but one thing I'm sure about it is that each book opens a locked window to you in this mysterious world and every book is akin to a loyal friend; he will probabl bring you more experiences, new thoughts and even shares with you his happiness and sorrow.

Reading this book was like climbing a rocky mountain for me; it was challenging, tiring, dreary and amusing alike. I was patiently waiting to reach the gist of the story, this kind of books teachs me how to be more focused, calm and patient because if I decide to stop reading the boring book after few pages I will certainly feel a pang of conscience and that's more awful than carrying on reading this kind of books 😣.

The book consits of a diary written by a young Jewish girl called Anne Frank, she confided some of her life's moments whith her  family in a hidding in Amsterdam warehouse during the war and the arrival of German to Holland. Anne kept a diary from June 12, 1942 to August 1, 1994. After her death, Anne's father was bound to publish her diary because it was one of her ambitions; to be heard, independent and a future writer.

I will give my impartial opinion briefly. Well, my hopes was too intense for this book, let's start with Anna's character; she is only 13 years old, she is brave, bold and she has an increadible rebellion spirit, however what I noticed during my reading that Anne's personality consists of a boundle of contradictions and she has several contrary traits; she is smart, idiot, mature, silly, confident, weak, peculiar, plain, spunky and coward.....

During the two years Anne's family has spent in the secret annex, they could not cope whith their new conditions or endure the burden of being unsafe and stressed because they passed through many ordeals and difficult woes.
Despite of the heaps of things that have happened this jewish family you can barely tackle the progress of the story because there is no remarkable changes or an intense development in their life in the warehouse. The book was packed with trivials and random thoughts; Anne kept coming back to the dull routine and kept sharing her same typical adolescent problems and activities for the umpteenth time till I got bored from the whole book. However, in some parts I felt like the real writer was older than 13 years old; it was clearly that this diary passed by a huge editing phase.

What I liked mostly about this book was the delightful expression and the smart sarcastic character of Anne Frank and her ability of writing her journal under that uncomfortable situation.

الأحد، 10 يونيو 2018

مائة من عظماء أمة الإسلام غيروا مجرى التاريخ لجهاد الترباني

مائة من عظماء أمة الإسلام غيروا مجرى التاريخ

مائة من عظماء أمة الاسلام غيروا مجرى التاريخ، جهاد الترباني

مائة من عظماء أمة الإسلام غيروا مجرى التاريخ، من465صفحة ، نشر سنة 2010 لكنه لقى رواج كبيرا بين سنتي 2014 و 2015.
"الإسلام هو تاريخ الإنسانية وليس تاريخا للانسانية"

على ضوء هذه المقولة بنى الكاتب و الباحث الفلسطيني جهاد الترباني كتابه، وهي نقطة تحسب له كونه لم يحصر أمة الاسلام بمبعث آخر الرسل محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام، بل شمل كتابه كل الموحدين لا أقول عبر التاريخ جميعا إنما من لم يلحقوا برسالة أحمد عليه السلام كذلك.
وهؤلاء العظماء في نظره تركوا بصمة فريدة خلدت أسماءهم حتى يبعث الله الأرض ومن عليها لأنهم ساهموا في نشر عقيدة التوحيد و الحفاظ على أمة الاسلام من الشتات و الفرقة.

 تعريف الجيل الحالي والأجيال القادمة بزعمائها وأبطالها أمر بالغ الاهمية لاستنهاض همم المسلمين ليعتبروا بأجدادهم لإعادة بناء حضارتنا و مجدنا وهذا مبتغى الكاتب، فكان منصب آخر عظيم في أمة الاسلام شاغرا ينتظر همة صاحبه لتقوده اليه؛ فيمكن أن تكون أنت لأن العظمة لا تنحصر في شكل ولا لون ولا عرق ولا مكان ولا حتى زمان .... 

من بين أهم الشخصيات التي شدتني سيرتها هي : أسطورة المغرب الإسلامي الأمير محمد عبد الكريم الخطابي،  عمالقة البحرية الإسلامية الأخوان بربروسا (خير الدين بربروس - عروج بربروس)  ،  مكتشف أمريكا بيري ريس،  العالم الفرنسي موريس بوكاي، مدمر دولة الصفويين سليم الأول، أحمد ديدات، صاحب بشارة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم محمد الفاتح،  الصعيدي فاتح إمبراطورية اليابان على أحمد الجرجاوي، الرجل الذي أنقذ تراث الأندلس أبو يوسف يعقوب بن عبد الحق، الإمام البخاري ، آريوس وغيرهم...

هناك بعض النقاط التي أزعجتني في كتاب جهاد الترباني وتمنيت لو أنه تمهل في نشر كتابه الأول :

  •  ذكر أنه سيوفي النساء حقهن في كتابه لكنه لم يذكر سوى القليل ؛ السيدة هاجر، مريم البتول، آسيا زوجة فرعون وماشطة بنت فرعون، السيدة فاطمة ، والسيدة خديجة ... أوليس هناك المزيد منهن ؟فكيف إذن صنع اغلب العظماء من الرجال ..
  • تقريبا في كتابه حصر العظمة في الفتوحات الاسلامية  أو مساهماتهم فيها و بمن نصروا الاسلام من خلال مناصبهم السياسية والعسكرية ..
  • لم تعجبني المقدمة التي بنى عليها كتابه ولا المقدمات قبل معظم الشخصيات كانت برأيي محتوى فارغ يمكن الاستغناء عنه و كان عليه أن يدخل في الموضوع مباشرة دون الاسترسال في مدح الشخصية بكلمات رنانة...
  • لم يعط بعض الشخصيات حقها في التعريف بها، فاكتفى بالمدح العام و التزويق كما صنع مع  السيدة هاجر ، والسيدة خديجة وغيرهم ..
  • ذكر أولئك العظماء بترتيب زمني صحيح كان له أن يخدم الكتاب  والقارئ أكثر ، ويسهل عليه دراسة تطور تبليغ تلك الرسالة السماوية وحامليها.
  • حصر تراجع المسلمين وهزائمهم في دسائس الشيعة والفرس و خيانتهم أمر مثير للتساؤل .
  • يظهر جليا تعصب الكاتب للمذهب السني من خلال أفكاره الواردة في الكتاب،  وهذا لم يكن في صالح الكتاب.
  • ذكر بعض الوقائع التاريخية والشخصيات  دون تحديد المصادر التي بنى عليها لا يخدم كتابه بالقدر الذي يضعف من حجيته.
  •  هناك بعض الاحداث  الأخرى التي برأيي كانت مجرد تكهنات من الكاتب ليس لي ان أذكرها لأنني لست بالملمة بالتاريخ تتيح لي النفي أو التصديق...

تكرار هناك وهناك أفقد جزءا من جمالية الكتاب ، لكن الكتاب عموما يستحق الاطلاع لأنني  عن نفسي اكتشفت شخصيات جديدة لم يكن لي بها علم وهذا أمر مخزي، كيف لنا أن نغفل عن الإطلاع على ذلك التاريخ المشرق لأمة الإسلام وإسهامها البارز في تطور البشرية حضاريا و اجتماعيا وعلميا الذي يحاول البعض  تارةالتغاضي عنه وتارة أخرى نفيه بالكلية لكن ماخلفته أمة الإسلام من علوم وحضارة سيبقى شاهدا على ذلك.
  لا أحب القراءة في التاريخ  لكن بصدق بعد هذا الكتاب  آمنت انه صار لزاما علي ان أقرا عن تاريخنا و حضارتنا كمسلمين على الأقل كي لا أقع فريسة لبعض الكتب المظللة....

حمل مائة من عظماء أمة الإسلام غيروا مجرى التاريخ من هنا

الاثنين، 4 يونيو 2018

Little Women by Loisa May Alcott

 ~♡~Little Women~♡~

Little women by Louisa May Alcott

   Generally, I got warm feelings among the March sisters' story, the characters  were very familial together, every girl may relate to one of them at least. They are quite different from one another; Beth was shy, talented and she mostly enjoyed her own company ; Meg was the oldest sister, she was pretty, wise and a good housekeeper; Amy was spoiled and silly but she turned to be a mature person by the end of the story; Jo was my favorite character; she was clever and had a broad mind and  she was a good story writer too. 

The four sisters were close to each other, looking for a bright furture among their small family , they had several hard situations throughout their lives
but the seed of love grew stronger in their hearts each time to beat any problem they passed through.

I'm not a huge fan of classic literature and this story couldn't change my opinion, I like rather the contemporary  stories. While reading this book I made a short comparision; I could easily notice the huge change in the meaning of the word "family" and the lack of decency nowadays ;that  every girl and boy should have. I think that such books proves that happy life is strongly related to prudery, simplicity and being raised in a loving and responsible family.

My version had only 100 pages, it's quite easy and simple to read but I think I missed important details and expressions in this story, sometimes it seems dull and empty and had no meaningful plot, that was due to this shorter version because it doesn't have that great suspense that prevents you from leaving the book . In addition, this version doesn't give the story much time to develop. I hope to read the original book because I expect that it will be more profound and amusing.