الأحد، 9 سبتمبر 2018

The Best Of Times ? By Alan Maley

 The Best Of Times ?

 The Best of times by Alan Maley

The book is about a teenage called Chee Seng and he had some troubles after the separation of his parents.
At the outset he lived an ordinary life among his small family and he was very close to his father.  They shared many activities together, overall they lived in a peaceful environment but many changes took place overnight; his father started dating another woman, he cheated on his wife with her intimate friend Veena; unfortunately, Chee Seng was a witness to his betrayal.

The unity of the happy family tore apart after that heavy adversity; Chee seng's father left the home and his mother turned to be rough and unbearable. He couldn't handle the separation of his parents; he felt lonely, forsaken and worthless.
He started hanging out with bad company, eventually he decided to leave home with his girlfriend.

Well, this book was not perfect neither worse because it deals with very sensitive subjects like , adolescence, separation, betrayal, relations and in general it raises the awareness of the challenges that separation brings to a peaceful family and I think this is the strong spot in this book.
What I did not like about this book is the plot, it is very simple and even naive, the story flowed very slowly, the characters also were imperfectly crafted.

I think parents should remain unity of family as father and mother and kids ( instead of wife and husband) .I think that this is the tiny detail ought to change in the case of separation or divorcpe to raise their children naturally.

As the old idiom said don't put all eggs in one basket. The parents and the woman especially should be intelligent in dealing with similar cases; if i will have such experience I won't lose my children too by neglecting them or blame them for my loss.

Parents must stop pointing fingers  at one of them to win the children's sympathy.

One of the significant elements parent should take in consideration is that confirming to the child that they are still a family, may help the child to accept the new conditions and live healthily.

In separating case or divorce mostly parents tend to use their children as weapon and I think that won't solve the problem but it will cause a bad impact on kids.

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