الجمعة، 9 أغسطس 2019

I can't make this Up: Life Lessons by Kevin Hart

    I can't make this Up

I can't make this up ny kevin hart

You can't judge someone's behaviour until you hear his version of the story, I'm telling you that just in case you are one of Kevin Hart's hatters , because this book spotlights on most important stages throughout his life especially his adolescent and childhood. Personally I have not heard about him before and what made me put his book in my TBR list was its funny cover and a positive comment about the hilarious Kevin by a friend that nourished my curiosity to discover his book and his personality alike.

The book seemed endless for me, I'm sorry Kevin but you are a big gossipy talkative person. I was wondering how the heck he could  remember all of those tiny details about his life.

 He starts off with his tough childhood, he describes also his  mother and how she could keep him away from drugs, guns and a bleak future. She imposed strict rules on him during his adolescent , regardless of his enduring inside  resentment about her treatment he was bound to obey her willingly.
Fortunately his mother's efforts that she made to raise him correctly was not in vain; he built a successful career and he became a famous comedian, actor  and a producer.

What I like the most about this book is his mother's character; she was a brave faithful woman with good ethics  and wonderful morals, she was the one who paved the way to her little boy to be a committed and responsible man.

Kevin is a hardworker person, I adore his commitment along his career, I respect his persistent in order to implement his goals.In addition I think that one of the great boost of Kevin to excel in his work was his loyal teamwork.

His work may seem very easy and comfortable but when you read the book you realize the immense efforts, time and patience he needs to build his successful career.
I like too the conversation with his children and the strong relation that bind them tightly.

In the outsit the book sounded really funny but it turned to be dull and boring, I wanted to skip some pages or even chapters but I didn't , in the latter chapters it became more wise and energetic especially when Kevin stared talking about his new wife Elore.

One last hint:  I don't have the right to judge his personality or his behaviour but as a reader I have the right to give my opinion about the morals and thoughts he conveys to us; needless to say that I won't evaluate his manners according to my Islamic background but as a woman I have to say that YOU KEVIN and the men who share the same mentality with; you are treating women as SHIT ,stop being animals and embrace your humanity.

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