الأحد، 13 يناير 2019

Minimalism: Essential Essays by Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus


Minimalism: Essential Essays by by Joshua Fields Millburn,  Ryan Nicodemus

Let's start off with this honest revealing I'm a minimalist by nature  :D , I have no problem to share even  my dear books with others . The biggest anti-minimalism in my world is my affectionate mother , she tends to collect many superfluous stuff; empty bottles, used wraps, rags, yarn, carton boxes...She believes that the more you accumulate things, clothes,  ..the more safer you will be. Actually, I think that is something related to a psychological matter .

I've tried several times to convince her in order to get rid of some excess stuff each time I became certain that arguing with her  won't make any change.. sigh! 

I think minimalism is something that was born with us, many people may get lost beyond its expansive concept(or rather, as  they think) or by misunderstanding its real benefit and even more consider it as a  vague and difficult approach because they believe that  minimalism is allergic to money or against the modernity and the high technology but this is utterly wrong and   falsehood.

Minimalism is all matter of common sense  and being contented human being who takes control of all aspects of his life and never considering material things as a measure of his happiness .

This short book by  Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus contains a collection of essays to motivate people and advise them to live freely and to make a radical change in their lives; starting by getting rid of life's excess, stop worshiping our stuff and focusing more on life's deeper meaning which includes significant points such as:
_sharing love and care with our families, friends and beloveds instead of wasting time on the internet and social media..

_contribute to  people, donate  our money and reclaim time.
_ get rid   of superfluous because they bind us to uncomfortable mood; the clutter probably led us to stress and overwhelm..
The writers induced the readers to be minimalists and they set few ideas and tips, they shared also their own experience  and the enduring experiments for the last few years of being minimalists, they are aspiring to inspire and enhance people's lives through their book and   website in  meaningful ways.

To be blunt , you can sum up the book in few hints and tips; some portion are very useful and interesting but it is quite repetitive in latter chapers. If I reach the enjoyment and entertainment during my reading then nothing else will matter after all for me.
I loved their inspirational insights and expressions as well and their honest intention to help people .
The book is pretty easy to read, simple and meaningful :).

"The Internet is not evil, just like candy is not evil. But if your entire diet consists 

of candy, you get sick and fat fairly quickly"

"Happiness, as far as we are concerned, is achieved through living a meaningful life, a life that is filled with passion and freedom, a life in which we can grow as individuals and contribute to other people in meaningful ways. Growth and contribution: those are the bedrocks of happiness. Not stuff. This may not sound sexy or marketable or sellable, but it’s the cold truth. Humans are happy if we are growing as individuals and if we are contributing beyond ourselves. Without growth, and without a deliberate effort to help others, we are just slaves to cultural expectations, ensnared by the trappings of money and power and status and perceived success
"The most important reason to live in the moment is nothing lasts forever. Enjoy the moment while it’s in front of you. Be present. Accept life for what it is: a finite span of time with infinite possibilities"

"It’s liberating to not have a TV. Television sucks so much life out of our lives. It takes our money, our time, our attention, our awareness, our freedom, our relationships, and our creativity. And in return it gives us a little entertainment, it pacifies us for the moment. For many of us it’s our drug of choice"

"Minimalists don’t focus on having less, less, less. Rather, we focus on making room for more, more, more: more time, more passion, more experiences, more growth, more contribution, more contentment—and more freedom. It just so happens that clearing the clutter from life’s path helps us make that room."

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