The 60 seconds organizer
- by Jeff Davidson -

This book is an important guide to overcoming the choas and the procrastination in your work area , plus it's a real spur to start getting rid of the clutter in your whole life,so In order to be an organized person the writer enduced you to apply 60 rules , instead of reading the whole book, i picked up few hints to share it with the readers, because i think that is really dull and much detailed in some parts especially the last portion ,moreover, as a non-native speaker the book was not an easy read it contains many difficult terms , the funny fact here is that book requires more that 60 seconds to complete it, so here you are my notes:
📌we learn the organizing items along the way no one born
📌take any task of organization as a challenge, and monitor
ur progress in .
📌we hav to b aware of the antecedents thats keep us ready to make the next move to be orgnized ,
📌organize the clutter in our minds by orgnizing our random thoughts and ideas by traditional ways like taking notes or with the modern way as the elecronic orgnizer
📌we should admit that w r the creatores of the choas in our life n there is no one elese to blame instead of us that helps u to take control of all ur aspect of ur life .
📌it behooves you to learn from the past in order to make appropriate choices for your present and future.
📌work smarter by following our instincts n inner wisdome
📌manage your time wisely while you r organizing your life and focus on your priorities,
📌getting organized requires less motivation than being a a professional writer& so ; start achieving ur daily organizing tasks regardless of your mood, dont make your mood as an excuse to your laziness
📌rewarding urself after any accomplishment,it may help you to proceed in your progress and motivate you as well.
📌stop convincing your self by wimpy excuses that keep you far enough from being an orgnized person.
📌striving perfection may cost a huge amount of energy .
📌the simplest way to tackle your mess is the best one.
📌take advantage of milestones eg: new job, retiring, marriage etc and other new opportunities in your life to stimulate your self to achieve more assignments and getting orgnized .
📌if procrastination is your enemy,then action is your friend& ; if you wanna get rid of the clutter in your work area , or your house , your life in general set your goals and start now !
📌engage yourself in an organizing routine for only a single minute ; arrange one portion of your desk , a shelf or a drawer , this tiniest action might be so effective try it!
📌its really helpful to identify ur priorities first before start tackle your organization tasks
📌when you set your goals take into consideration that they must be wrritten, quantified, and assigned a deadline
📌in the way of getting an orgnized life rely on your clear mind first of all .
📌establish deadlines to your tasks to motivate yourself and reinforce your capacity to finish the projects quickly.
📌your& to do list& must involve the long -term tasks.
📌make a check list for your goals , for example set logical steps for each task then tackle the first task and take it all the way to completion then move on to the second task and so on.
📌if you are a visual person map your task out because its really helpful .
📌while you are moving toward being an organized person track your progress by using a calender
📌clean the mess on your desk each evening, to start a new day full of energy and motivation
📌deal with your pile fills as soon as possible , keep the important one , delegate or toss the rest of them.
📌be productive on the public transportation to maximize your progress.
📌give away your excess clothes, shoes, or anything you are not in need any more.
📌finally u can ask the help of an organizing professional.